Wow...we've started the summer with a bang. First off, some dear, old friends of ours invited us to an end of year pool party last week, and we had a great time. The girls and my friend's oldest daughter played together like time had never passed, and it's been YEARS, people! It was so nice to sit and relax in the pool, sunning myself, while drinking a nice, cold beverage....WAIT, what am I saying, I must have been daydreaming. The reality was, while the girls played, I was chasing Adam around trying to keep him from feeding the family dog all of the watermelon slices at once. He also kept dumping their pool toys into the pool, so I was chasing after those, too. It was a great reunion, but hectic as ever.
This past weekend, my in-laws came into town to visit and brought along Mohammed's nephew, Derrick, and a cousin visiting from Egypt. We started our festivities by taking a trip out to Hershey Park for Mohammed's birthday on Sunday (Happy Birthday, Baby!). We had a great time and for the first time in a WHILE...I was able to get on a bunch of rides, including a couple of awesome roller coasters, while Grandma watched over Adam. We surprised (well, not really) Mohammed with a boisterous rendition of "Happy Birthday" at Red Robin while out for dinner. We didn't get home until well after 1am and hit the sack like a sack of bricks.
The next day, I took the ladies to do a little shopping and then we were off to a baseball game at night. The oppressive heat, the outdoor seats, and the fact that it was a double-header and painfully slow going put a damper on things, but it was fun to get out and see some familiar faces in the crowd (the Moleski's and Paolillos were there). Too hot to finish the game though, so we left early.
On Tuesday, Mohammed took off and we were off to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Another scorcher, but thankfully, being near the water afforded us a slight breeze that made all the difference. There were amazing views and a fun Barbie display at Ellis Island entitled "Barbies around the world". I made sure to take my photo next to the Puerto Rico Barbie. The girls posed with the American Barbie and Mohammed's cousin, Rania, sought out the Egyptian doll.
Yesterday, Grandpa took his nieces and nephews to the mall and afterwards, we came home and finally relaxed a little. At dinner, that Grandma prepared for us...THANK YOU SHOO-SHOO, Adam ate a little and conked out at 6pm for the rest of the night. He fell asleep right in his high chair, the poor baby, and we took him upstairs after we finished eating. He slept until 7:30am this morning with barely waking at all through the night. Looks like he needs to be worn out more regularly :-) !
Today, the in-laws and Derrick returned to NC and Rania stayed behind until she is scheduled to return to Egypt early next week. With the house empty (Rania headed out to meet friends in NYC), the girls asked for playdates and I agreed. We took Lili and Nicolette out with us for lunch at the White Rose "System" and later to feed the animals at Johnson Park. Afterwards, we all came back here and the girls went into the hot tub and played while Adam and I watched some TV. It was beautiful out today, barely hit 80 and by the evening it was in the low 70s. Mohammed was able to get some tickets to another Patriots game for tonight, and we decided to go. It was gorgeous out and we were quite happy to be back in the Executive Box seats again. Adam fell asleep on the way home and I decided to tackle my (re)organization of the scrap room. Hope it goes well...
Have a great holiday weekend and remember to cherish your independence!! Until next time.
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