For our day, I asked him to go for a drive (with the girls in tow, since we couldn't secure a sitter for the day) into the "country" (aka: Pennsylvania). We had great weather and a great ride. We saw all sorts of wildlife, including a rather big, black and scary SNAKE laying on a rock, in a nearby creek, sunning itself. After a few minutes of all of us peering at it with combined awe and disgust, it slithered into the water. I'll have to make a mental note NOT to go wading in any creeks nearby!
We eventually decided to make a stop at Sesame Place for the girls. It was unexpected, so water rides were out, but amazingly enough, it was not very crowded and they rode the roller coaster about 5 times in a row before moving on to other rides. Afterwards, we enjoyed a great dinner together and then headed over to Aileen's house for some Anniversary Pictures! My camera is on the fritz (dropped it off for service this morning-and anyone who knows me, knows that is was as hard as dropping off one of my appendages), but luckily, Aileen came through with her snazzy, little Panasonic Lumix. Now, I won't miss the first day of school on Thursday, or any other major event that comes up while my aging baby is away getting repaired. Here are a couple of pictures I took before my camera went down. The last one was courtesy of my sister. Have a great week!

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