First, BOTH girls are now involved in the HHS Marching Band...well, technically, the season is over, although that is what keeps this entire family running around from August to November! Leena joined as an alto sax player in the 7th(!) grade, and Yasmeen is actually IN high school now, as a 9th grader. Yasmeen continues to play trombone, but in Marching Band, she is playing Baritone. I never knew what any of these instruments were, but considering Mohammed and I are now official band groupies, well, you get up to speed pretty fast.
Second, Adam has started Kindergarden and recently celebrated his 6th birthday. He still goes to Goddard in the afternoon and LOVES it...Kindergarden, not so much. In his own words, "it's work, work, work". Guess he prefers to play. Don't we all!
Next, I have recently switched jobs. I'm no longer working in the solo practice I had been with for the past 3+ years, and have since joined the Robert Wood Johnson Physician Enterprise (RWJPE), which is like the Kaiser Permanente of this area. They are a huge institution that has acquired a lot of local practices in NJ and several hospitals. I still work in Internal Medicine, but a bit further away. My commute has jumped to 50 minutes (from about 30), but I have no regrets. The practice was located to a brand new suite and everything is shiny and new. The patients are still getting used to a PA, but they are slowly coming around. I have been there all of 1 month, so I guess it will take a little more time. You can find me at under "Providers", then Internal Medicine.
Mohammed is the rock in our family. He is observing all these changes around him from the secure vantage point of a stable job with J&J and is chugging along with business as usual. He participated in a stretch assignment earlier this year that was in partnership with their sister company in Latin America and he was actively trying to learn Spanish. Considering the amount of Arabic I know, he will be granted a lot of slack from me. He actually knows more Spanish than I know Arabic (and understands even more). Que Bien!
So another year winds down (how does time go so FAST?) and we are gearing up for a tough winter. Hopefully I can get on here a bit more often, but with that said, please understand if time gets away from me. With our ever changing schedules, school activities, and volunteer commitments, something has got to give. Hope I can do better.
Thanks for hanging in there, here is a summary of 2014!