So for those of you who are participating for the 1st time ever, you are probably searching to grab whatever tips you can to make it a successful month. After all, it's LEAP YEAR, and that means the added stress (no....not really) of one extra layout next month. That's 29 layouts in 29 days!! Can it be done--ABSOLUTELY. Do you have to do it? ABSOLUTELY NOT. My best piece of advice is to try not to stress and do what you can. The first LOAD I ever participated in, I completed. However; I also drove myself mad with preparation, lack of sleep, a messy house, no dinner for the kiddos and stress, stress, stress. It was all my perfectionism coming to a head, and not being able to keep all the balls in the air. So, if you want to plan...cook some meals ahead (google: freezer meals), relax your idea of a perfectly clean house just this one month, think ahead about what pictures and stories you'd like to tell from the past...and remember the theme...past perfect (as in you can get past perfect for this month). Yes, it's easier to say than do sometimes, but be flexible and the inspiration, feedback and amazing support from the great group you've joined will carry you through. In fact, the first time around, I had page kits (PAGE KITS, I TELL YA!!) all ready at the go to scrap away the days. Well, then the first email came from Lain and I went in a totally different direction. I made layouts that I would HAVE NEVER thought to make...from a page about snack time around our house, to random facts about me. I also made a very emotional page about a pregnancy loss that would have never been written had it not been for the gentle prod from Lain's emails. It was cathartic, therapeutic, energizing, inspirational and got my juices flowing all over again...that was February 2010...exactly 2 years ago!
I haven't missed a LOAD yet. Have I completed every one? Heck, no! Have I made wonderful pages that I'm proud of...Oh, yeah! For this particular LOAD, I have decided to dig back to my college days (over 15 years ago) and tell some of the stories of how I got into my Graduate program, my friends, my first car (that I got because I was going away to college) and my graduation. I'm also digging NOT SO FAR BACK, and telling some stories about the recent holidays and a recent snowfall we had here in NJ. I have also sat down a few nights this months and written out some journaling about those stories I remember. I am BIG on journaling, so leaving it for the last minute just wouldn't do my pages justice. BUT...this is just me. Decide what you want your focus to be and grab some pictures and supplies and meet me at LOAD in just 5 days! You'll be happy you did.
Here are some pictures I'm hoping to use this month...well, maybe...and maybe not. Guess I'll just go with the flow :-)
I hope that you've relaxed a bit, had a laugh or two and have decided that you are in the right place. If you'd like to read the next entry in the blog hop today, then head on over to LYDIA'S BLOG
and for the is the entire list of participants, so be sure to stop by say hi!!
February 212 Layout A Day Blog Hop Participants