Well, school is in full swing and I have to say, although the IDEA of having the girls in school all day and it just being me and Adam sounds good, the truth is that I hate the stress of getting everyone ready and out the door, packing lunches, doing homework, checking homework, RE-doing homework, running here and there all week, and then still trying to keep up with housework, my classes, and getting a meal on the table each night. Yes, I know, it's sounds a whole lot like whining...and it just may be...but I have got to figure out a way to keep all the balls in the air. Just thinking out loud...hoping that an idea comes to me quickly...before attitudes flare and these girls never get to watch TV or go on the computer again!
On a lighter note, Adam's activities have started up again...it's music and swimming again for him, and he loves both. Today was his first swimming class, and it turned out that Roberta and Zack are also in the class. Adam "swam" hard and wore himself out. He was asleep in the van before we even got home and slept for almost 3 hours!! On top of that, he went to bed on time tonight...maybe even a little early.
Well, the weeks ahead are packed with Back to School nights, classes, playgroups, appointments, Girl Scout leader meetings, scrapbooking, consignment sales, volunteering at consignment sales, home shows, birthday celebrations, anniversaries and more! I'm getting the feeling that I won't be posting much here out of sheer lack of time, but I might surprise myself. Until the next time, enjoy the pictures above from the end of the summer (ah, sweet summer) up through the past few days. Enjoy!