About Me

My photo
Hi. I"m living in the Northeast with my supportive hubby, 2 great girls and toddler son. I run a home based business around scrapbooking and rubber stamping and love everything about those crafts! I also work p/t as a Physician Assistant in Internal Medicine...back after a 10 year hiatus to take care of the kids--loving that, too!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Waiting for...pictures!

Well, I've been dabbling here and there trying to organize my thoughts, photos and materials that I'm going to need to put my "Week in the Life" album together this week and it's going pretty good. Early last week, I chose a couple of complimentary paper lines by American Crafts that are bright and simple. I chose my favorite (at the moment) border punch and went to work cutting papers in the sizes I know I am going to need...4x6, 4x4 and for the title headers, 4x12. During the week I put my journaling down on the computer and printed it onto transparencies. Later in the week, I put the headers together. At the end of the week, I ordered pictures and more pictures from www.scrapbookpictures.com . Usually I print myself, but ink would cost me a whole lot more and I needed odd sizes, so this works for me. Today I finished the last of the headers (Sunday) and printed some other odds and ends relating to a week in the life to use as overlays in my album. Tomorrow, my page protectors and album arrives. The day after, I should start seeing my pictures arrive. Can't wait to see how it all comes together.

Monday, April 26, 2010

More WITL photos...

Well, it's officially over...all that picture taking and now to put the Week in the Life Album together. I've already started my title pages for each day and sent my picture files off to the photo lab. It's weird what we choose to capture in pictures during an assignment like this...who would ever take a photo of their morning breakfast? Can't wait to see the finished product and hope that it'll be done before the start of "LAYOUT A DAY" on May 1st!! Looking forward to that too, although I don't know how I'll get anything done now that Adam has recently had a crazy case of separation anxiety kick in...wouldn't it be great if it stopped as abruptly as it started??? Well, in the meantime, he are some photos of later in the week through yesterday. Have a great week!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Week in the Life...2010

Well, looks like I've found something new to inspire me to continue scrapping. Even though I've fallen off the wagon with taking a picture a day for my Project 365, I have committed to taking many pictures this week so that I could document a week in our lives at this moment in time. Read all about it here: http://aliedwards.typepad.com/ . There are people all over the world documenting their lives...the everyday stuff you know you'll forget...like what you eat for breakfast, what the kids are doing at this age, what the house looks like (for better or worse) and other things along those lines. I thought I'd share some photos from the past couple of days that I've taken as I do this project, and once complete, I'll post the finished product. Here's to an (extra)ordinary week!

Monday 4-19-10: A visit from friends... a trip to Wal-mart...a nap in the car...neatly staged train set...and the sample for my Album in a Day class

Tuesday 4-21-10: Adam smiling so cute as I make dinner...fajitas for dinner...waffles for breakfast...Yas doing her chore of putting the dishes away...and my favorite show-LOST!