Looks like since I missed the boat getting this out for the 4th of July, let's just say I'd like to wish everyone a happy July as a whole. We celebrated the 4th here at home by finally lighting a fire outside in our fire pit and roasting marshmallows and making s'mores. We also enjoyed a dip in the hot tub(well at least Titi, the girls, and I did--Mohammed graciously agreed to watch Adam while he slept).
The girls are finally out of school and the weather has finally dried up (at least for now). We recently got back from a visit to NC to visit the grandparents and take a walk down memory lane. Mohammed, the girls, Adam and I went to Duke and UNC-CH and reminisced about how things were and how much has and hasn't changed since we'd gone there. We even bought a license plate letting everyone know we are a "house divided" between the 2 schools. The girls made their comparisons and if you ask me, I think they decided that Duke was much more up their alley for future attendance than that other school :-) While down in NC, we also stopped over at a friend's house in Charlotte and spent the night with her and her family. We really enjoyed our time there and if you're reading this, Gladys...thanks so much for hosting us...all five of us!!
During our stay in NC, Mohammed celebrated his 38th birthday. We took him to a place called Rush Hour for what I hope was something he thoroughly enjoyed...go cart racing. He looked like a pro all decked out in his helmet and won 2 out of 3 races...so I've gotta say, he's got the need for speed.
Adam actually had his first swim in NC too! We know that he just loves his bath, but boy did he enjoy the pool. Thanks again to Gladys for taking us to her local YMCA (which by the way folks, is absolutely gorgeous and very kid friendly) and letting us swim in the outdoor pools as her guests.
Well, Adam turned 7 months a couple of days ago and he is just so adorable (trust me, I'm not biased, but he really is a charmer). He can roll around the floor now in record speed and is working on sitting up on his own. He recently started dragging himself around in a circle when we lie him on his tummy...I guess it's just too much work to roll over to get where he wants to go. His eczema is doing much better, but my dietary restrictions are killing me! What I wouldn't give for a cheesy slice of pizza!!!
The girls start their Summer Enrichment classes tomorrow that the township schools put on each year and they are excited. They attend every morning for 2 weeks and will be learning all about how to make ecologically friendly art (Leena), Mars (Yasmeen), Silly Summer Fun (Leena) and last but not least...MATH (Yasmeen). They enjoyed it so much last year, that we decided to let them go for 2 weeks this year, so looks like they'll be busy for a while. Yasmeen will also be starting volleyball lessons this week and Leena will take her first official drawing class as well on Friday. At this pace, I just know the summer will fly by...let's just hope we get some time to visit Sesame Place and maybe enjoy a few lazy days of summer!
Until next time...