Well, it's definitely feeling like spring around here these days...we've officially spruced up and cleaned out the garage, deck area, and hot tub in preparation for some fun outdoor activities. Today was the first day the girls got to jump into our much cooled down hot tub (more like a warm pool) and enjoyed splashing around in the warm water. Just a few days ago, they also made their first run through the sprinklers outside and can't wait for the last day of school so that Summer can officially begin!
This month also marked the 1st ever time I took the girls camping for Girl Scouts. We went to a very scenic and wonderful camp out in Canadensis, Pennsylvania. Although we haven't been camping with the GS before, according to other, seasoned pros, this was the Ritz Carlton of camping. The girls loved all the planned activities and really seemed to take to the outdoors. In just one day, they participated in rock wall climbing, boating, hiking, archery, gymnastics and a really fun low ropes course. I'm sure we'll be back again next year!
On another note, Adam is doing great! His horrific eczema breakout of the past few months has finally cleared up. Of course, I'm now on strict dairy restriction until he weans. That means no milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, creamer (for my beloved coffee), or yogurt. I've also been told to steer clear of other highly allergic foods in my diet as well. So, if it wasn't bad enough not to be able to drink coffee, eat cereal or have pizza, I'm also not allowed to have eggs, nuts, seafood or soy products. Apparently, the pediatrician informed me that there is a 40% chance of an allergic response to soy in kids with milk protein allergies. On the bright side, Adam is looking gorgeous, and he's actually sleeping better now that he's not beating his belly and scratching himself silly at night.
Well, soon the madness of end of school year activities will be upon us and I'm not sure when I'll be able to post again...but rest assured, I'll try to get some pictures of the girls at their recital up on the website as soon as I can. Hope all you mothers out there had a great Mother's Day. Here's wishing you all a great Spring. Enjoy these recent pictures of our family...
Edited to add: recital pictures