Leena has also had some changes this past week. Aside from thoroughly enjoying their Spring Break with their grandparents who are visiting from NC...Leena took the plunge and donated over 10" of her hair to Locks of Love. It wasn't exactly her idea to begin with, but the idea did grow on her and she voluntarily asked to be taken to the salon! She has the cutest, curly bob right now and it's still longer than Yasmeen's hair even with all the curls. She is also going to be participating in her school's upcoming talent show--performing a dance with her friends to the song "I don't think about it" by Emily Osment of the Hanna Montana show. They even choreographed it themselves...so cute.

Both girls will also be performing in the end of year dance recital through their dance school. They take intermediate jazz (which at this school is really a combo of jazz/hip hop) and will be dancing to Madonna's "Holiday". Funny thing is, though, they had no idea who she was!
As for Mohammed and I...we're both busy with life these days. Mohammed is trying to keep up with his fire house duties, while managing to recuperate from his first illness in a looooonnng time. Looks like the girls' bugs finally broke him down. He's better now, but it was taking it's toll there for a while. He even tackled replacing the 2 ceiling fans in our family room with the help of his dad yesterday--and a great job they did!
I've just been going from one deadline to another these past few months...taxes, classes, crops, and most importantly--getting ready to study for my Physician Assistant recertification exam coming up later this year. It's a hectic pace, but that's what keeps us young, right?!! I also got hit with the bug, but am finally better now, too.
Well, off to drop the girls and their grandma off at the movies to see "Monsters and Aliens-3D". This is just off the heels of a trip to the Central Park Zoo in NYC and MagiQuest in East Hanover earlier this week. Guess they can't say they didn't have fun over this break!
Until next time,
Janet and the gang!