Adam turned 2 months yesterday and just today had to go in for his well baby check up at the pediatrician's. Well, that also meant that he was up for immunizations and although he nursed through the first shot, the second one got him going...he screamed and turned bright red and didn't much care for the doctor at that point. Good for Adam that he was able to "get him" when the doctor attempted to check his hip joints with the diaper off!
He is doing well...the reflux/colic seems to be subsiding just a bit and we've got the go-ahead for a little "tummy time". He's a healthy 13#5oz already and smiling and cooing on a regular basis (although not much after the shots today). He goes back in at 4 months for another check up and even more shots, but at least, if he's looking interested, we may get the ok to start solids. Until then, it's more mama's milk for him.
Here he is today (before his shots!) and yesterday at his homemade 2 month photo shoot.
Until next time,