Well, Adam is 3 weeks old today and he is adjusting to life outside the womb fairly well. He was officially due on 12-21 (this last Sunday), but instead of being born, he was experiencing his first bath. He sleeps a LOT during the day and is doing all the things an infant is suppossed to be doing-eating, eating, eating, pooping, and of course, sleeping. He is very much an easy going baby, unless we take too long to change him or feed him...then his squeaks and coos turn into full blown screams. He tends to get really red in the face when things aren't going exactly his way, but that just makes him all the cuter. Amazingly, when the sun sets (usually around 8pm) he miraculously awakens and is bright eyed and bushy tailed from his restful day. Sometimes he peeks with just one eye open to see if there is still any light outside, and if there is, he'll go back to sleep. Looks like he's training to be a night owl like Mommy. However; once the lights dim, he loves to hang out and take in the world around him (after a marathon eating period of course). Big sisters, Yasmeen and Leena, are loving him more each day and often argue about who gets to hold him first when they get home from school. He is such a sweet, little boy and we are so grateful to have him safe and sound at home with us. Happy Holidays, everyone!