Well, it's taken me a while to get you guys updated on what's been going on here lately, but I've bought myself a few days of R&R compliments of a nasty bug I've caught which quickly progressed into an asthma exaccerbation. So, here I am at home on a ton of meds (Sorry, Adam) and trying to get back on my feet.
The last few weeks have been a frenzy of activity here, between service people coming over for repairs and inspectors checking out the work done in the nursery, to keeping up with the girls' daily activities (and my TWO Girl Scout troops!). We've also had a few days off of school due to several Jewish holidays, and we took full advantage by visiting Johnston Park (which we haven't done since the girls were a LOT younger). We've also made our last trip of the season to Sesame Place for their Halloween Spooktacular (along with our neighbors) and that was a lot of fun. And of course, October means that both Leena and I celebrated another birthday. I am...hmmmm...let me see, officially in my late 30's (ok, NOT 39, but close enough), and Leena turned 7! We celebrated my birthday at the Rainforest Cafe again this year (can you tell that the girls love that place???) and then my sister cut a cake and make a fabulous dinner the next day at her place. Leena lucked out with both a family dinner at a fun restaurant called Gabriel's Fountain as well as a friend party at a local bookstore themed after her newest idol--Hanna Montana! Needless to say, I've been a little run down and very exhausted with all the activity, so I guess I can officially say that it looks like this 3rd trimester is kicking my butt!
I am officially 31w3d today (check out my latest update picture at just about 30 weeks) and excited that we have made it this far without much trouble. That's not to say I haven't been driving Mohammed and my OB crazy with my irrational fears, but physically, it's been smooth sailing...well, until a couple of days ago and my current illness, that is...but thankfully, Adam seems to be taking it like a champ. Although I think the steroids I was given yesterday knocked him down a little, he's back to his jumpy and kicky ways today. And people...WE HAVE A DATE! My OB finally scheduled my "elective" C/S for December 3rd, at 6pm--yup, that's PM, as in evening. Barring any delays, looks like we'll get to meet Adam that night...even if I'll have to starve the entire day to get there-LOL!
The girls are doing well in school. I love how well bribery...uh, I mean, motivation works for Yasmeen. Mohammed promised her a Nintendo DS at the end of the school year if she could maintain straight A's (and maybe the leeway of one B) and she's stepped up to the challenge. That doens't mean she's SELF motivated, just yet, but with a little push from us, and some daily guidance, she's been aceing the 3rd grade so far. On the flip side, Leena doens't need much motivation from us at all--that girl LOVES schoolwork!
So right now, Mohammed is over at the school in Leena's class taking my place at her "Fall Fest" event in class. Due to this nasty bug, Mohammed kindly offered to sub for me and run the door hanger activity for the class. I was bummed I couldn't go, but right now, my health has to come first. Leena was graciously understanding this morning when I mentioned the possibility that I might have to miss it. Thanks, Mohammed, for stepping up for me, as always. You are one GREAT daddy (and hubby)!!!
Ok, well I guess I'm off rest a while before the girls get home. I'll be sure to update this blog soon as we get closer to the big day...until later,